Dr. Colaço is a paediatrician practicing in The Bahamas. He studied medicine at the University of Bombay and specialized in Paediatrics with post-Graduate degrees from the University of the West Indies in Jamaica and the National University of Ireland.
Presently a senior paediatrician in government and private practice, he is the current President of the Academy of Medical Sciences (Bahamas). He has been the editor of the Bahamas Medical Journal from 1983 and the newsletter STETHOSCOPE from 1989. He has published / presented 70 original research / review papers, 62 as first author. His major interest and area of expertise is Asthma in Childhood. Several of his publications include studies of infant & childhood mortality, rheumatic heart disease and childhood sexual abuse. He has chaired eight (8) International Conferences held in Nassau under the auspices of the Medical Association of The Bahamas and the Academy of Medical Sciences. He has served as an advisor and Consultant to the Pan American Health Organization / WHO for the years 1987-1991.
Dr. Colaço and
his wife Ema have three children and are permanent residents of
The Bahamas.
Dr. Colaço can be contacted by e-mail at: jose@colaco.net
August 23, 1998